First day as a Snowy Plover Docent in 2024

Memorial Day weekend marks the start of the Snowy Plover Docent Program but the “snowies” didn’t wait for the docents. They have already hatched 24 chicks!

Volunteer docents are stationed at key sites in Point Reyes National Seashore throughout the breeding season including North Beach, Limantour Beach, and Abbotts Lagoon. One of our most critical (and sometimes difficult) duties is to remind visitors to keep dogs on leash at the beach. Besides informing visitors about the obvious topic of snowy plovers, docents also answer general park questions about trails, wildlife, and more. Read more about how you can help the “snowies” nest in peace.

On day one of the season (Saturday May 25), I was joined by returning docents, Lisa and Joan. We were stationed at North Beach which meant bracing for the cold — each wearing up to 5 layers of clothes, but it turned out to be a relatively pleasant day in the mid 50’s.

Interpretative Ranger, Fiona O’Kelly is taking the reins as docent program manager this season so Wildlife Biologist, Matt Lau can devote his full attention to snowy plover and other field monitoring. Fiona greeted us promptly at 9:00am. She briefed us on radio use and showed us where the supplies are (neatly!) stored this season. Matt reported in his first weekly snowy plover update of the season that 19 nests have been found and 11 of the nests have hatched. 24 chicks are running around on Point Reyes beaches and 4 of these chicks are due to fledge in the next week. Read Matt’s full Snowy Plover Update on the Point Reyes National Seashore website. Thank you to Fiona and Matt for setting us docents up for success.

Lisa, Joan, and I spoke with about 75 visitors at the docent station and along the beach. Everyone was very thoughtful about keeping their dog on leash. My favorite dogs included an adorable pug and a pair of dachshunds who were visiting the beach for the first time.

I’m thrilled to spend another season (my fifth!) as a snowy plover docent.