Olema Marsh Trail
Trail length: 0.25 miles
Terrain: marsh, grasses
Restroom? No (closest one is White House Pool parking lot)
Parking: Yes
Kid friendly? Yes
Dates visited: 8/24/19, 10/13/19, 12/26/20
Favorite plants on this trail:
Favorite things: Looking for insects
The Olema Marsh Trail is a short walk through the higher end of the marsh. It’s a perfect place to explore for insects with kids. There’s a small parking area at the end of the gravel Marsh Road. The from Bear Valley Road. Marsh Road is before Limantour Rd if you are coming from the Bear Valley Visitor Center and right at where Bear Valley Road curves so watch for it - it’s easy to miss.
The trail is very short and ends at Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. Cross Sir Francis Drake and walk to the left a short distance to the White House Pool which is a lovely short hike along the creek.
The Olema Marsh is a great place to look for insects on willows, coyote brush, and amongst the teasels, mustard, fennel, and poison hemlock. Birds love the marsh which is filled with delicious insects!
Olema marsh trail is the black dotted line starting at marsh rd
Volunteer Opportunity for Families: Native Plant Seed Collection
Help park staff in collecting native grass seed for use in park restoration and conservation projects. Open to kids age 7 and older accompanied by an adult. You’ll learn to identify native plants and learn when it’s time to collect the seeds.