Point Reyes Butterfly Count -- volunteers needed

Experienced Volunteers Needed

Point Reyes Butterfly Count – Saturday, July 20

As you may already know butterfly counts are community science projects similar to the Christmas Bird Count with 15 mile diameter count circles.  This count circle includes most of the Point Reyes National Seashore.   The count results from all over the US are compiled and submitted to the North American Butterfly Association. – their website  is Butterfly Counts — North American Butterfly Association.

Last year the Point Reyes Butterfly Count teams covered 14 of 20 designated “good butterfly areas”.  We are hoping that previous participants will return this year and that we can expand this coverage. 

Please respond with your availability to participate this year.  Also, if you know anyone else with butterfly identification experience let us know.

CONTACT US: marinmonarchwg@gmail.com