Natural History of the Point Reyes Headlands
Class date / time: Friday, April 30, 2021 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Instructor: David Wimpfheimer
Fee: $80
Non-Member Fee: $90
Enjoy one of the most dramatic parts of the seashore's rich natural history as we explore for wildflowers, gray whales, and sea birds.
The area between the Lighthouse, Chimney Rock and Drakes Beach is one of the most visually striking in the national seashore. In the spring its natural history is equally rich.
Blooming paintbrush, iris, lillies and other wildflowers and put on a dramatic and diverse display. Young or molting Elephant Seals rest on beaches while Harbor Seals, California Sea Lions and other pinnipeds feed in the rich marine habitat.
This can be a good time to see migratory Gray Whales, perhaps mothers with their nursing calves. Pigeon Guillemot, Common Murre and Brandt's Cormorant are some of the birds nesting in the area while loons, Surf Scoter and Brant migrate past the point, sometimes in the thousands.
All this and more contribute to a wonderfully rich tapestry of biological diversity. In several short hikes we will explore this area and discover its full splendor. The class will meet at the Lighthouse parking lot.
Get details on the Point Reyes National Seashore Association class page.