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California Bumble Bee Atlas: 1 Day Training webinar

Apr 13, 2023 06:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

California is home to 25 species of bumble bees, many of which face an uncertain future. Several species, including the western bumble bee, Crotch's bumble bee, the Suckely cuckoo bumble bee, and Franklin's bumble bee, have recently experienced significant declines. In order to conserve them, the Xerces Society has partnered with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to launch the California Bumble Bee Atlas. A key aspect of this work is to train a team of volunteers equipped with nets and cameras spread throughout the state to help us understand where these species are still living, and in which habitats they thrive. This California Bumble Bee Atlas workshop is your opportunity to join the collaborative effort to track and conserve California's bumble bees! Agenda: The agenda will cover an overview of bumble bee ecology and conservation as well as methods to be used by project volunteers to collect information about bees found at particular sites.

Module 1: Introduction to Bumble Bee Ecology

Module 2: California Bumble Bee Atlas Methods

Module 3: California Bumble Bee Identification

This workshop is supported by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and other funders.

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