Mushroom Exploration on the Point Reyes Peninsula
Leaders: Lena Zentall & Ann Elliott
Please sign up for this field trip on Meetup. Registration Link
Join us for a 5-mile loop hike to explore mushrooms in the winter forest of Inverness Ridge. We’re likely to encounter large sprouting clumps of the iconic red and white dotted mushroom fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) as well as the subspecies American fly agaric (Amanita muscaria ssp. flavivolvata). Other common mushrooms along the path include Suillus, Laccaria, Russula, boletes, and bonnets. We will hike to the spine of Inverness Ridge, down the Drakes View Trail and return up the Bayview Trail.
Trail Description: Inverness Ridge Trail is an easy hike on a wide path with views of Drakes Beach and Chimney Rock in the distance. The Drakes View Trail, descending steeply for 2 miles, is a soft trail to hike, padded with pine needles. From the creek area, we will hike uphill on the Bayview trail through bishop pines. Expect muddy conditions and walking through wet vegetation on the trail edges.
Directions: Meet at the Bayview Trailhead off Limantour Road in the gravel parking lot.
Bring: Water, a snack/lunch. Dress in layers. Be prepared for possible mud and slippery trails. The nearest bathrooms are at the Bear Valley Visitor Center or in downtown Point Reyes Station (uphill from Point Reyes Building Supply).
(Optional) In advance: Download the Snout app or iNaturalist app on your phone to identify mushrooms.
Rain or excessive mud cancels.
Email Ann with any questions. Limit 20