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PRNSA member full moon hike at Abbotts Lagoon

Friday, March 14 · 5:30 - 8:30pm PDT

Abbotts Lagoon Trailhead/Parking Lot, Point Reyes National Seashore Inverness, CA 94937

We are thrilled to welcome new and returning members back for our upcoming Full Moon walk this month! Please join us at Abbotts Lagoon on Friday, March 14th 5:30pm - 8:30pm, as we step out from the dark watery realms of winter into the light and air of spring. After the intense winter storms, we are curious to discover what is moving and changing on the landscape as influenced by water, wind, and earth elements. Abbotts Lagoon is a very important wetland for wintering and migratory shorebirds and waterfowl. Large numbers of sandpipers, plovers, including the threatened snowy plover, and pelicans, grebes, ducks and other water birds take advantage of this fruitful habitat. The large number of birds can concentrate both terrestrial predators such as otters and coyotes while raptors including peregrine falcon can occur as well. David Wimpfheimer, a local naturalist, will be joining us to share his vast knowledge about birds and the natural world. Binoculars are high encourged!

We will also take time to honor the approaching spring equinox (March 20), learn about the moon's phases and influence, walk together, and an offer opportunity to walk in silence.

This ~5 mile walk (roundtrip) is fairly flat and travels along a moderately wide gravel trail for about 1.5 miles before turning into sand. Find out more about Abbotts Lagoon Trailhead here.

We appreciate the support of our members and are excited to offer them this special program. All members allowed up to two guests (guest can be non-members). All ages are welcome.

Not a member? Become one today for as little as $5 a month. Click here to become a member and support the Seashore!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ashley Hebert at

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