Polynesian Banana Salad

Half a medium cucumber
2 oranges
Leaf lettuce
2 bananas
1 T. lemon or lime juice

Chutney Dressing
1/3 cup each mayonnaise and sour cream
1/4 c. Major Grey-type chutney (snipped with kitchen scissors to a fine dice)
1 T. lemon juice
1/4 t. each salt and curry powder
pinch cayenne pepper

1. Score the cucumber; slice thinly. Peel oranges; slice crosswise about 1/4-inch thick.

2. On each of 4 lettuce-lined salad plates, arrange cucumber and orange slices in a circle around edge of plate. Peel and slice bananas on the diagonal, 1/2-inch thick. Mix lightly with lemon juice. Mound banana slices in center of the cucumber-orange arrangement.

3. Drizzle Chutney Dressing lightly over each serving. Serve remaining dressing on a bowl to add to taste.

Chutney Dressing:

In a blender or food processor combine mayonnaise, sour cream, chutney, lemon juice, salt, curry powder and cayenne. Whirl or process until smooth. Makes about 1 cup.

Serves: 4

Source: California Culinary Academy Salads Cookbook (1985)

Prepared by: Margo for the August 2010 meeting.